Yukon, NWT and Dempster

Yukon, NWT and Dempster

Yukon. Larger than life
Here it starts all. Dempster Highway, km. 0. Yukon
Trucks in Dempster Highway at Klondike River Valley. Yukon. Canada
The first snow of autumn at Grizzly Creek Valley. Tombstone Park
That's fall! Grizzly Creek Valley. Yukon
Lichens and leaves. The carpet of the taiga
Eagle River Bridge. Dempster Highway.
Dawson City. Yukon. Canada © Pilar Báez
Dawson City. Yukon. Canada © Raúl Bueno
Taiga Range. Ogilvie River Valley. Dempster Highway
Cabins at Peel River Crossing. Fort McPherson
The great moose. Dempster Highway
Campbell Lake, near Inuvik. Mackenzie River Delta. Northwest Territories
Taiga at Ogilvie River Valley. Yukon
Hard and cold Dempster Highway
Inuvik. Northern Dempster Highway. Northwest Territories
Fall - winter at Klondike. Dempster Highway. Yukon
Snow storm at Michigan Lake. Dempster Highway. Northwest Territories
Snowy tundra and Richardson Mountains. Dempster Highway. NWT
Mud and snow at Arctic Circle. Dempster Highway. Yukon
Think again. Keep out. Old cabin
Mining patterns of Phyllocnistis populiella on Populus tremuloides
Dryas octopetala
Black bear (Ursus americanus)
Glacier at Kluane National Park. Yukon © Olalla Bueno
Glaciar Lowell. Kluane National Park. Yukon. Canadá
Wood cabin. Kluane National Park. Yukon
Kluane Lake. Yukon
Fall - winter. Thakane River. Yukon
Tatshenshini River. Yukon
Haines Road. Yukon
Arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryi)
Spruce and fireweed
The old pick up and the moose antlers
© Roberto Buenosite by Bluekea
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